Welcome to Black Oak Ridge

Black Oak Ridge gave her name to the sprawling, tree-filled city that "ended the greatest war there will ever be" (rather comforting, that), as John Hendrix, prophet and hill man, described the coming of the Manhattan Engineering District more than half a century beforehand. Outer Drive, which runs along the spine of Black Oak Ridge (joined by East Drive and West Outer Drive, all the same road), is, as its name implies, the edge of the city. Tiny Marlow clings to the foot of the western slope, and the eastern one runs down towards the heart of the city. Here's where my parents live, and here you can find out about me.

Hey! Alison and Ryan, the cutest kids in East Tennessee!

Of course, I'm a strong introvert (see below), so I don't really have a lot to say!


Who I am all at once, with schools, and information about the Baltimore-Washington area, or in brief opinionated chunks:


  Personal | Language | Language Humor | Linguistic Humor | MST3K | Opera | Politics  

  Ridges | Walden | Pine | Black Oak | Little Pine | Chestnut | Haw  

  Greenbelt | Emory Valley | Key Springs | Newfound Gap | Bear Creek | Pellissippi